Simone Dempster - Constellations

There is a constellation on my face. 

There are clusters and nebulas that broke through the skin and are continually exposed on my cheeks. Shining brightly. Glowing. My cheeks, my nose, my chin, have become its own little universe. All together on my face. I wake up with a new one every day. There's a Cassiopeia on my forehead. An Ursa minor on my chin. My cheeks stinging with a new constellation, Aries. And underneath of my chin, there’s Taurus. In all of its shining and annoying glory. 

I've done everything that I can to make it go away. Everything to make this end. 

These stars keep shining on my face. It's all anyone can ever see. All they see, all they will every see, is my private little cluster of constellations. 

I've tried washing it. I've tried medication. I've listened to the internet. I did the tips and the tricks. I've emptied my wallet. I did everything right. But why… why am I the only one with these stars marring my face? Why won't they just go away? 

Did I do something wrong? Am I being punished? Did I hurt someone in a past life that led me to have this space piece of space left over on my face? Why do all these beautiful people around me have such clear night skies? Why am I the only one with these itchy, red stars across my face? When will they fade away? 

When will I too have my own clear night sky?


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